Quick Start Guide
This section provides an overview of the Quick Start Guide for String Utility TS.
Welcome to the Quick Start Guide
for String Utility TS, a lightweight and efficient string manipulation library designed for JavaScript and TypeScript developers. This guide will walk you through the basic setup, installation, and usage of the library, helping you integrate it quickly into your projects.
1. Reverse String
Reverses the characters in the string.
import { reverseString } = from 'string-utility-ts'
const str = 'Hello World'
const result = reverseString(str)
console.log(result) // dlroW olleH
2. Truncate
Truncates the string to a specified length and appends "..." if necessary.
import { truncate } = from 'string-utility-ts'
const str = `String Utility TS is a lightweight, easy-to-use library for JavaScript and TypeScript that provides a collection of commonly used string manipulation functions.`
const result = truncate(str2, 20)
console.log(result); // String Utility TS is...
3. Starts With
Checks if the string starts with the specified substring.
import { startsWith } = from 'string-utility-ts'
const str = 'Hello World'
const result = startsWith(str, 'Hello')
console.log(result); // true
4. Ends With
Checks if the string ends with the specified substring.
import { endsWith } = from 'string-utility-ts'
const str = 'Hello World'
const result = endsWith(str, 'Hello')
console.log(result); // false
5. Capitalize
Capitalizes the first letter of the input string and converts the rest to lowercase.
import { capitalize } = from 'string-utility-ts'
const str = 'Hello World'
const result = capitalize(str)
console.log(result); // Hello world
6. Camel Case
Converts a string to camelCase.
import { camelCase } = from 'string-utility-ts'
const str = 'Hello World'
const result = camelCase(str)
console.log(result); // helloWorld
7. Kebab Case
Converts a string to kebab-case.
import { kebabCase } = from 'string-utility-ts'
const str = 'Hello World'
const result = kebabCase(str)
console.log(result); // hello-world
8. Repeat
Repeats the string a specified number of times.
import { repeat } = from 'string-utility-ts'
const str = 'Hello World'
const result = repeat(str, 3)
console.log(result); // Hello World Hello World Hello World
9. Upper Case
Converts a string to Upper Case.
import { upperCase } = from 'string-utility-ts'
const str = 'Hello World'
const result = upperCase(str)
console.log(result); // HELLO WORLD
10. Lower Case
Converts a string to Lower Case.
import { lowerCase } = from 'string-utility-ts'
const str = 'Hello World'
const result = lowerCase(str)
console.log(result); // hello world
11. Stripped String
Removes HTML from the String.
import { strippedString } = from 'string-utility-ts'
const str = `<p class="description"><span class="text-colorized">String Utility TS</span> is a lightweight, easy-to-use library for JavaScript and TypeScript that provides a collection of commonly used string manipulation functions.</p>`
const result = strippedString(str)
console.log(result); // String Utility TS is a lightweight, easy-to-use library for JavaScript and TypeScript that provides a collection of commonly used string manipulation functions.
The Quick Start Guide
section is your starting point for exploring the application. Follow the steps above to get started quickly and easily.